Regent School's Approach to Foreign Language Education and Global Citizenship, with a Focus on the Chinese Language

We believe that learning the languages of other nations is crucial for students, fostering both personal and professional growth.

Exposure to Diverse Languages:

Regent School offers language labs throughout the year, exposing students to various global languages. This broadens their understanding of different cultures and perspectives. While we strive to equip students with knowledge of various world languages, we acknowledge the current trend of Nepalese students showing a particular interest in learning Chinese.

Reasons for the Focus on Chinese:

This increased interest in Chinese stems from two primary factors:

  • Higher Education Opportunities: China offers attractive higher education opportunities, prompting students to seek language proficiency for potential studies there.
  • Economic Ties: The growing number of Chinese tourists and investors in Nepal necessitates communication skills in Mandarin for effective interaction and business collaboration.

Benefits of Multilingualism:

Beyond catering to specific regional interests, Regent School recognizes the broader benefits of multilingualism. Research suggests that individuals who speak multiple languages:

  • Possess enhanced cognitive abilities, including improved memory, problem-solving skills, and multitasking proficiency.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of their own native language and culture.
  • Have a competitive edge in the globalized job market, where international businesses increasingly value multilingual employees.

Regent School’s Commitment to Chinese Language Education:

Understanding the market realities and recognizing the value of Chinese language proficiency, Regent School has:

  • Offered regular Chinese language classes to students from grades 1 to 8 for the past ten years.
  • Recently partnered with the Confucius Institute at Kathmandu University to co-host Chinese language classes within our school.

We believe that this emphasis on foreign language education, particularly Chinese, equips our students with valuable skills and knowledge, preparing them for success in a globalized and interconnected world.

Collaboration agreement between Confucius Institute at Kathmandu University and Regent Residential School
Representative from Confucius Institute at Kathmandu University, observing the stall of Regent Exhibition 2024